Everyone has to admit even though most don't want to that we don't know a fucking thing about them, and I'm positive a lot of people just pretend to know about them, and say words to appear intelligent.
But lets face it about 80% of us don't have a fucking clue. But that doesn't stop everyone from getting into heated arguments over it.
Take my co-worker again, she was talking about Pauline Hanson AGAIN! Yes we all know about the nekkid pictures.
My co-worker: "Why should anyone care. I mean the best part of Pauline Hanson was that she was just an ordinary person like the rest of us. You know just a fish and chip shop owner."
I bite my lip and resisted the urge to blurt out "Hey do you know her shop is owned by Asians now!"
But it went on from there, the election, the liberals, labor.
Then she said " It doesn't really matter they all do nothing."
I just should of kept my mouth shut.
Me: "But since Labors been in they signed the Kyoto Protical something that should've happened years ago, and troops were withdrawn from Iraq."
Now I usually vote Greens anyway and don't really care about other parties but I'm sure these are good things...right?
Anyway her response was : "Yeah but now all THOSE people will be out of control. And they should be putting money into hospitals and schools."
Me: "You don't know what it's like to be Prime Minister! He's prolly busy trying to keep this country going under right now. Besides he's giving everyone money....lots of money."
Her: "Yeah but...." <----- right here is where I tuned out and walked away.
I realised how pointless my argument was and I also realised that I didn't really care anyway.
So in future I'll just keep my mouth shut and bit my lip and think about joining in my realise I prolly don't really no THAT much about it anyway.
Oh and I know it's old news but I like Kevin Rudd simply for the fact that not only did he go to a stripe club, but tried to make it sound better by going "I didn't mean to go I was so drunk I don't remember." Fucking Gold.