Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So as you all may of heard Pauline Hansen is ONCE AGAIN in the news. My work college, a cranky old woman who blames all the worlds problems on drugs, alcohol and Asians, is a big fan. An argument then erupted when I called Pauline a bitter, xenophobic, racist who wanted to continue Edmund Barton's 'Whites only policy'.
Apparently this makes Australia a better place. HOW? So we can all be the Southern states of America?
But just then I contradicted myself because that was a racist remark towards Americans. So while I'm on it I'd like to get a few things off my chest.

I don't care what country your from just please learn English, of course I'm gonna get angry when I ask for Peter Stuyvesent 6 times and I keep being given Peter Jackson. *Nod and smile*

Aboriginals, your not going to get your way by marching down the street and holding up traffic. Nor am I going to apologise for something that happened to your parents that I was not involve in, neither were my parents or grandparents or ANY relation of mine.
Also stop drinking rum and yelling on the train it's fucking annoying.
(There is another problem the Aboriginal debate but that'll be another post.)

You have a religion thats great. But stop telling everyone else that they're gonna die for not believeing in it.
And no a woman does NOT deserve to be raped just cause she was wearing revealing clothing and therefore 'asking for it'. Jeez.

So after all that which side of the fence am I on? Can someone tell me cause I really don't fucking know.

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